Saturday, 1 August 2015

Life's Packagings

A dictionary short definition of packaging is material(s) used to wrap or protect goods, while it can also mean presentation of a person or things in an advantageous way. There are a few more meanings direct and some indirect but I am sure you already gasped its meaning, thus I will leave it at that. To me packaging is a blessing in disguise to be sure, but it is not all glory and one should view at it somewhat like Sherlock Holmes with a rather large magnifying glass accompanied with sensible thoughts. All of life’s packaging needs to be viewed with some degree of caution and not be taken in by their presentation or cloaks. That reminded me of an instance many moons ago in Bussan town, where two young shapely sexy girls clasped in their flashy flimsy bikinis dancing away merrily to the pop songs of the day, blaring from speakers in their cubicles beckoning drivers to utilize their supermarket car-park in the middle of full winter. This exercise goes to show what this world is coming into to ensure more catchment to their market. I’m sure the young beauties felt the freezing cold winds as I did in my thick overcoat and woollies, no doubt. However, their smiles never left their faces even though they may have felt otherwise. I also have heard of professional weepers in the deserts of Rajasthan, India, where their services can be got for a fee to weep and cry for the dearly departed while laying their history between sobs setting the mood of the occasion. Strange! These types of plastic imitations are too various to mention so shall we mum it as that?

I suppose these packaging in our everyday lives are slowly unknowingly swallowing and becoming part of us without a flicker of a thought. Should we step on the brakes for a moment and contemplate, one should dissect this and consider whether this ‘packaging’ are really a good thing or not so for us, finding our bearing as it were. While appreciating ‘packaging’ will always be part of our existence in one form or another, we should identify what should or should not be packaged and I am a strong advocate of this. I ask myself where would truth be, should we sugar coat it all or wrap it in beautiful coloured papers. A few important agendas in life needs to be the truth, nothing but the truth and not be packaged attractively, pure and simple to enable us gauge its impact upon us which would be for long term while changing or amending it might well be, but it does disrupt you, not even considering the finances and in some cases, one self esteem poses to be on the line. I personally find the wrappings are more rampant and rising in developed lands of Americas, Europe, The East and where not. Yes/No? Agree?

I regret to see more of our mankind are packaging most things with an alarming frequency and becoming more selfish in the process, must be the changing values of our times. I suppose this is the price we pay to be successful. However, the core essential must prevail in the long run to identify reality and the naked truth. This reminded of my wife for more than forty years comment saying             “ never judge a book by its cover ”. While we tend to upkeep our best form at the forefront, the wrappings must be unveiled and torn open in the end to reveal its true inner-self. There is an old joke going around where the girls of today will woo in their and hunt with packaging of some sort to secure their illusive five ‘C’, namely cash, credit card, condominium, career and car from the drooling unsuspecting guys. Should their aims be unfulfilled, short changed or falling short - bye bye & good riddance!  While not all girls are like that, there is some truth in the joke. All that glitters are not gold cuts both ways. However, it seems to be more of a regularity than the exception from the days of yonder up till this very moment to be sure, quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.)

While we cannot escape these ‘packaging’ in what ever we do or where ever we go forth, the person themselves has the responsibility to identify this and discard what is irrelevant. Difficult I do agree, but regretfully the only way, sorry….. Saying is easy while in practice is a different cattle of fish. With so much artificial facades, padded bras, false eyelashes, corsets, added flavorings and genetic modified (GM) foods, not to mention plastic smiles, false comradeships, relationships, love, marriage and what not, there comes a time where we alone can only take stock of things and get the reins back on.

We at times enjoy the packaging of life to soothe us when we are down which sadly is becoming more of an everyday event that I regretfully have to admit. Some juveniles and a few grown ups even venture out further to drugs and stimulus’s to get that kick of a high and lost touch with reality. A sincere shame don’t you think?  We get so used to this presentation of an advantageous ways that we tend to loose track of the reality of life. In this regard I feel animals are more realistic and true to nature than us humans by a wide margin. They are honest to themselves and do not hold packaging to high esteem as we do.

Thus, we need not to loose touch with reality and seek out the truth in a manner that meant the most to us, and not put the blame on to others. Some turn to religion and meditation while others leave it to life’s luck. Whatever, the point I’m soliciting is that, we will have to unwrap the outer layer at one stage or the other to seek the inner truth. Face we must and tackle the resultant head on, good or bad. We should be able to differentiate what truth we require and what others we able coexist with artificially. This is the fact of life and the balance is solely in the hands of each individual.

In conclusion as we shall have to face reality in our life, as such may I suggest that you undo or unwrap what is important or valuable to one self and recognize it for what it is and accept or discard according to your discretion. No two ways about it.

Good luck!