Saturday, 17 May 2014

Layman's perspective on thoughts

It has been written that Philosophy ascended from ancient Greece, and to mean love of wisdom. By layman terms, it can be said to be the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group. Philosophy can be also defined as the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those, connected with reality, knowledge, existence, reason, mind and also language. Rather a mouthful, yes?  While on the other side, we have Dialectic (rational argument), which is also a word from ancient Greece, to mean, a method of argument for resolving disagreements, which has been central to European and Indian Philosophy, since antiquity. There is the third side of the coin too, that is Debate. This also known to be an argumentative discussion, and is won by persuading the opponent or opposite side, that your argument is correct, or the opponent’s argument is incorrect. The winner is then decided by judge, jury or group consensus. It does not mean the winner is absolutely correct or providing the absolute truth. It’s just an art of persuasion argument. All very, very complicated don’t you think? To my humble mind, Philosophy and Dialectic draws a fine line, where, one is basic beliefs and concepts, while the other is arguing for resolvement. Here, Debate does not come into the equation. Thank god for that!

Today, we are seeing both Philosophy and Dialectic are at work. That is good, as while identifying fundamental problems is a necessity, we also need a rational argument, to make our world a better place, so we think? Take for instance, Socrates (BC470/469-399BC) who was a classical Greek philosopher, has been credited as one of the founders of western philosophy, killed himself by drinking a mixture contaminated with poison hemlock, as he believed he would be better off dead. His famous words ‘I know, I know nothing’, Socrates may have said, actually, he knew a lot. While Pluto (428/427 or 424/423 BC- 348/347 BC), a devoted young follower and a student of Socrates, founder of an Academy of higher learning in Athens, first such institution of higher learning in the western civilization, was not only a philosopher, but also a mathematician. He and other notable Socrates die-hards, laid down the foundations of western philosophy. While Socrates was a stonecutter by trade, Pluto’s parents saw to it that, he got a good education and he himself was smart and witty, since young. Some accounts stated that Pluto died in bed, while a young Thracian girl played a flute, while others wrote that he passed away, at a wedding feast. Even later Philosophers did not speculate on this matter. George Nay Win, being a simple man, does not even try to address the issue, as he is not of authority on the subject. One thing is to be certain, Plato was a smart fellow, for sure.

Since the time of above two notable gentlemen philosophers, we have seen records of other philosophers in their chosen discipline(s) throughout history, and at every century, too many to mention, to do justice. The only thing George Nay Win knows is that the parameters of thoughts are ever changing the landscape, for better or worst, depending which side of the fence, one stands on. This, he noticed also was the case while they were still living, Socrates was accused of destroying the youth minds of Athens with his thoughts. Such were the dilemmas. What do you think?

George Nay Win was once a very young aspiring fireman in Yangon (Rangoon), and he was suddenly put a halt to it, when he discovered a baby in a crib, while fighting fire in Min Street, Sanchaung North East area. The building was burnt to the ground, as fully constructed of teakwood, with no survivors, except for the baby, which he adopted. The main reason for George Nay Win to stop short his career in the tracks, was because, he witnessed men aspirations being swiped off, at a flick of a finger, and lives being taken away before their time was due. To be frank, this scared him immensely. He has a younger sister by the name of Saung Pan (meaning Winter’s flower), who was willing to look after the baby girl, only months old. George’s sister never married and just devoted her time to the baby girl. They named her Meethee (loosely to mean fire fruit). Saung Pan and Meethee, both immigrated to Singapore in the month of May, 1991, and found a two-room apartment at no. # 03215, Block 126, in Bedok North, beside Bedok North Street 2, in the eastern part of Singapore. This is half way between Bedok and Tanah Merah, MRT stations, however served well by busses also. George Nay Win (meaning bright sun) immigrated to the United States and continued to support his sister and adopted daughter, by working as a merchant sailor onboard American flagged ships.

George Nay Win is a great believer of Lord Buddha philosophy. Guatama Buddha (563/483BCE-483/411/400BCE), born in Lumani, in Nepal, and died in Kushinaga, Utta Pradesh, India. Taught primarily in Northern India, and later traveled to Eastern regions of that land.  He taught us to seek the middle path in life, between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticism (abstinence from worldly pleasures, which included restraint in respect to body, speech and mind). His teachings were memorized by followers and only committed to writing, 400 years after Buddha’s death. According to Lord Buddha, there are ten evils part of a human being. These are, three from the body (killing, theft and impure deeds), four by the mouth (insulting, cursing, lying and flattery), and three from the mind (jealously, hatred and unawareness). We are to let go the ten evils, to have a happy and peaceful life. This awareness is only available by self-cultivation and not through books or tutors, it is said, we are our own judges. He was a prince, and at the age of 29, left the pleasures and safety of the palace, where he eyed the old, sick and dying, which resorted him to a life of ascetic. It is said that after 49days meditation under a Bodhi tree, at the age of 35, he attained enlightenment, where he came to realize to overcome suffering, the answer lies in the Four Noble Truths, which he preached and also said, can be attained by any man with correct practice. For 45 years he traveled and preached, and died at the age of 80. George believes that after 2500 years, for his teachings to be still revered, and being practiced by men today, there must be truth in it. Lord Buddha took seven years of practice for his enlightenment, thus George believes that it is impossible for a common to achieve his spiritual goals, unless with the right approach and practice. This is easier said than done.

George Nay Win has two main reasons for immigrating to the United States, one, he is in the opinion that this is the land of milk and honey, and since more newer than Europe, will have plenty of open spaces, ready to be occupied. Two, earning power is more and its land is filled with opportunity, waiting to be grabbed. He works for American Oil Company, onboard tanker ships, serving Alaska and the west coast of United States. Even though number of U.S. flagged ships are falling, he finds the pay was comparably much more, even better with tanker allowance, plus stellar terms of employment, and not to mention wide living quarters onboard. He works six months onboard with full pay and three months leave, on half pay. George would spend religiously most of his leave time with his sister and daughter in Singapore. Today, Meethee would address herself as Mikki, and call his sister, Mamma Thee and, to him, addressed as Daddy Win. George always has been truthful with Mikki, as any protective lies or cover-ups can blow up, sooner or later. Truth is always best and safer.

While in Singapore, he would sleep in the sitting room with classical music from the local radio station, which he enjoys, and reading philosophy books from Bedok Community Library, at 21 Bedok Street 1, walking distance from where they live. The books he takes on loan are under Mikki Win’s name. All very much economical and variety is boundless. George would take his daughter to Chai Chee Secondary School, on Bedok North road, by bus and also fetch her back in the afternoons, and spend most of her free time, together. Sometimes the whole family, all three of them would venture out for a meal, and Mikki would try and pass off as a Chinese or Malay depending on the situation. She spoke fluent Fucheng (local Chinese dialect), plus Mandarin and Bahasa Malay in addition to English. They all would have a giggle after leaving the food outlet. Mikki was neither too fair nor dark, thus she is able to pass off as a Chinese or Malay, anytime. As for George and Saung Thee, all could spot them a mile away that they are neither. Their features are too distinct to be a Singaporean Chinese, Malay or Indonesian. This was a game that Mikki likes to play.

His sister, Saung Thee, when first immigrated, worked as a nursery helper, to be at Mikki’s side, as much as possible. Nowadays, she works at Maybank Bedok, at 210 Upper New Changi Road, near her block, and supplement by working five evenings during weekdays, at a noodle stall, in Bedok food court, in Bedok Town Center. Money is sufficient, however, George would also always leave a certain amount before departing, just for sake of security. George loves them both very much, and left it to them, where they want to anchor their roots. Singapore or United States of America, it’s their call.

Onboard, often than not, he would be their librarian. He always made it a point to set up a small reading club, so that sailors can pass their time onboard comfortably. There would be more of fictional works in soft covers, whom most likes, but invariably there will also be a small selection on non-fiction, and books on philosophy. He is better known onboard as ‘professor’, since he spends most of his spare time reading. He once commented that, the ocean is a wide open place, and a ship is like a needle in a haystack. One can be ‘lost’, as survival in these waters is only a mere few minutes, and they seem to get the message. Most of the time, they leave him alone to his books. He sails as a quartermaster, view need only undertake watches and bridge work. He was given a chance to become a boswain, or go back to college to study for his tickets to become an officer. He declined all, as he does not want to shoulder further responsibility, and just quite happy, as he is. This way, just do the work and be done with.

Another philosopher, George puts in his high esteem is Confucius (551BC-479BC), as his philosophy emphases on personal and government morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. In addition to being a philosopher, he was an editor, teacher and a politician in the Spring and Autumn periods of Chinese history.  His principals were based on common Chinese beliefs and tradition. He believed in strong family loyalty, ancestor worship, respectful towards the elders by their children, and of husbands by their wives. He recommended family as the basis for an ideal government. His Golden Rule was, not to do to others what you do not want done to yourself. Confucius can be referred to as Socrates of the Eastern civilization.

After Confucius, there was another Chinese general, strategist and philosopher by the name of Sun Tze (544BC-496BC), who was very much ahead of his times, he left 13 chapters inscribed on bamboo strips. To this day, not only to military stagey, but also business, office and corporate strategies can be applied of his thoughts. He is much appreciated and revered in both Eastern and Western military circles, but also in business and law. There is many a book written about his 13 chapters, in many languages. Rather a lot, and too many, to count.

George Nay Win would read his books and wondered, with all the teachings of numerous philosophers in history, we, so called civilized men still do gigantic wrongs in this world, and wondered where the philosophers teachings comes in. While he gazes into the sea, he cannot help but wonder the ever-changing parameters of thoughts. Take for example during the World War ll period in Germany. In March 1933, over 17 million voting public, that is over 43.9 % of votes, endorsed Hitler and his Nazi Party on the Jewish question. With the vote endorsement of the masses, Nazi Party killed 6 million Jews, and later on, when the war was about to be lost, majority said, they were not part in the massacre.  While appreciating elections are a form of debate, and wooing the voting public, how can killing be a part. They may not physically have carried out the actual, so called cleansing and killings, but they did however endorse it at the ballot box, for the Nazi Party ideology. Another classic example was in Rwanda, 1994, where Hutus and Tutsis hacked each other with clubs, machetes and by bare hands too. About 1 million Hutus and Tutsis perished within 100 days, making the worst genocide since the Second World War. That’s about nearly 20% of their population perished in 100 days. It is learnt, more of Tutsis were slaughtered by the Hutus, while the radio blared out to hack, even their neighbors of Tutsis clan. George Nay Win just shook his head. Killing just one life is already one too many. This was truly ridiculous. 

The more he thought about it, the more George Nay Win realizes, that changing parameters are played to the tune of thoughts of the day. At one time, black men were not allowed to join the American Armed Forces, than came the women   policy, afterwards, its the issues of gays and lesbians. During President Clinton era, the theme was ‘knows not, ask not or don’t ask, don’t talk’. Now, it’s all well for gays and lesbians to be in the Defense Services. He wonders, what next? He said to himself, better and safer, to continue paint the bridge deck green, holy stone the wing decks, varnish the woodworks, clean the monkey island, polish the direction finder loops, steer the wheel and do what the officer of the watch tells you to do. Earn your salary and keep your mouth shut. Everybody is happy.

He felt the subject of philosophy is too deep for him. To his simple mind, he has not reach that stage, where he can appreciate and apply fully the philosophies to the constantly changing parameters of thought. With all the Philosophers thoughts in black and white, we, the people, are still at a loss, and the majority is walking their own paths. Most people had been lost since their writings, its   application cannot be comprehended by all. He has decided to continue and enjoy his readings and to leave it at that. Maybe, he’s got a brain that is a wee bit lacking and he could not think that deep. George Nay Win got enough things on his mind to last a lifetime. He will just enjoy and continue reading philosophy. Think too much, he will not. Full stop.

George Nay Win once met a Chinese girl while he enjoyed a duck rice in a Los Angles, Chinatown restaurant. She was having pork rice there. He started talking, and one thing led to another. While she was American born and bred, the parents were from Hong Kong of the Cantonese clan.  She was about twenty three, when they met, and goes by the name of Melisa Wong. Nice looking girl, slim, about five foot six, fair complexion, dark black loose hair, but a wee short on the boobs and, boy, can she talk. Melisa works for TPC Harding Park, at 99 Harding Road, and her job is stable and the salary is nothing to be complained. She lives with her mother in #37251 Los Palmos Drive, Westwood Highlands, Los Angles. The house is a double story and has three bedrooms, one for her mother, and one for her, with one spare for guests, if any. Melisa Wong helps her mother in the evenings and weekends, frying spring rolls for a restaurant in Chinatown, which is a nice drive north from their house.

George told Melisa about his work, sister and adopted daughter in Singapore. She seems to be more interested about Mikki Win. George told Melisa that Mikki is now in her final year at the University of Singapore, reading Mechanical Engineering, and should be awarded her BSc Engineering degree, by the Summer of year 2012. Mikki now is a young lady, and she is aware that she owes much to Mamma Thee and Daddy Win for bringing her up to this level. Her world is her mum and dad only, and she aims to make good for their autumn years.  Meanwhile, Melisa seems receptive of gaining a sister and friend, to share her trials and thoughts. George also appreciates that he must decide on one way or other, to be fair on Melisa also, as she is not getting younger with each passing year. He would love Melisa to be his partner in life, and she does not mind older men either. He highlighted to Melisa, that his sister and Mikki comes first, as this is his life’s chart, and furthermore, promised himself the day he rescued Mikki in 1991, that she would be his sole purpose in life from that day onwards. He is still flabbergasted that a man’s life and hard earned saving, can be wiped off from a single stroke of bad luck, which may or may not be of his own fault. How life can be so cruel and unfair. It still haunts him to this day.

That reminded George of a song written by Joni Mitchell, entitled Both Sides Now, released in 1968. The last verse is as follows:

I’ve looked at life from both sides now
From win and loose and still somehow
It’s life illusions I recall
I really don’t know life at all
I‘ve looked at life from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It’s life illusions I recall
I don’t know life at all

He will bring both of them, his sister and daughter to Los Angles, for a holiday after Mikki’s graduation, and let Mikki decide whether she wishes to take the high or low road. He would permit her six months sabbatical. They can decide to move in together with Melisa, or should they wish, he is willing to buy a small property in a neighborhood of their choice, in Los Angles, with the money he saved, rest if needed be, sponsored by a bank, or to remain in Singapore and work there. George Nay Win is fully prepared to abide by their decision. His marriage to Melisa Wong has to take the back burner, as he already made a promise to himself since day one, that Mikki comes first, always.

George Nay Win can only repeat what William Shakespeare once penned, ‘to be or not to be, that is the question’.

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